in Red River County

Our historic old courthouse, which has looked proudly over the area and
held our records since 1885, has just received a "face lift." A Rededication Ceremony was held
along with the Heritage Fair on October 25 and 26, 2002.
The Red River County Library is located at 315 N. Walnut in Clarksville, just two blocks north of the square. Thanks to our genealogy society, the Genealogy section has a very good selection of publications from Red River County and surrounding areas. The library maintains surname files collected from numerous sources. There are also obits from newspapers on file for many years. There are many old newspapers on microfilm now, also thanks to the efforts of the Genealogy Society. More are on the way. Some of these can not be found anyplace else at the present time.
Library hours are:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday----12:00nn-5:30pm
Tuesday--9:00am-12:00nn and 1:00-5:30pm
Library phone number is 903-427-3991
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 508, Clarksville, TX 75426
The County Clerk's office is located at 200 North Walnut Street Clarksville, TX
75426. (That's the northwest corner of the square). Their phone number
is 903-427-2401.
County Clerk's hours are:
Monday - Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm
Closed Fridays
It is here that you can deeds, probate records, marriages and many other records from the time Texas became a state and sometimes before. There are records of the common school districts in the county dating back to 1932. They also have birth and death records from 1907 and many other records.
If you have ancestors who were in Red River County at any time a visit would be well worth your time.
If you can not travel to the area, courthouse records on microfilm can be found at the Texas State Archives, at the Paris Junior College Library, or can be ordered on inter-library loan through your local library. They can also be ordered for viewing at your local LDS Church Family History Center.
EMail List
The RootsWeb mailiing lists are offline and may not return.
Please join the Red River County Facebook page:

The purpose of this group is open discussion of Red River County History and Genealogy, along with current activities of the Genealogy Society.
Related Links
Red River County, TX
Red River
County, TX Cemeteries Database
Red River
County, TX Newspapers
Graveyard--Red River County
